Events Calendar
SWGA - Betty Kernot Foursomes Knockout - Round 2
Friday 08 March 2024
Hits : 903
The Betty Kernot Trophy is a scratch Foursomes Matchplay Knockout event played over 4 Matches .
Miss Betty Kernot was originally a Geelong delegate to the SWDGA and became President of the SWDGA in 1962. After her valuable contribution to the SWDGA in previous years, the committee saw fit to appoint her as a patron. This event commenced in Miss Kernot’s honour in 1971.
- Each club is entitled to enter one team only. Either Div1 or Div 2
Division 1 - players combined GA handicaps to be not less than 20 and not more than 30 on the day of entry.
Division 2 - players combined GA handicaps to be not less 30.1 and not more than 50 on the day of entry.
- A club can enter one team only
Round 1 @ 13th Beach Round 2 @ Lonsdale Links Round 3 @ Queenscliff